Sunday, 12 May 2013

A Mother's Day

After almost fifteen years of marriage and five children, my husband knows better than to ask what I’ve done all day.  Some days I proudly announce what I’ve accomplished.  After all, I’m a make-a-list and get-things-done kind of person.  I like checkmarks.

But sometimes I sit down to rest in the evening and wonder what I’ve done.  I mean, I’ve been MOVING a lot, I just don’t see much progress.

The fact that I have a 23-month-old son and a 4-year-old daughter is probably explanation enough.  If it’s not, let me tell you about a day I had a few months ago:

The preschooler let the toddler into her room.  He promptly climbed onto the 7-year-old’s dresser and threw a jar of change onto the floor.  Of course the jar smashed, so cleaning up glass and money became a top priority.  Shortly after I finished that chore, the partners in mischief decided to crumble a chocolate chip cookie on the living room rug.  While I was vacuuming and cleaning chocolate off the carpet, they got into the cooler and scattered picnic supplies all over the sunroom.  By noon I managed to get dressed, make lunch, and go to the school to pick up my 11-year-old who had almost fainted because she went to choir before eating lunch.

That night I sat down discouraged.  I hadn’t accomplished anything.

Except…  The kids were still alive.  They were fed and tucked into warm beds.  And the house was still standing.

Those, I decided, were worth 500 checkmarks apiece.  Score!